A blog about starting as a freelancer.
You wake up one day and decide you've had enough. You'll strike it out independently and do freelance work for yourself! Is it too early for a celebratory shot of tequila or having a whole cake for yourself? I think not! Come along on this journey as you learn how I started freelancing and achieved success in the happiest country in the world.
To put you in the context of the situation. I'm Cavi, a social media manager, photographer, and content creator in the happiest country in the world, Finland. I am originally from Guatemala. As a kid, I had different experiences living abroad, specifically in the USA. However, remember that English is not my first language, so if I have mistakes in the grammar or redaction of this text, excuse moi.
As I mentioned earlier, yes, I am based in Finland. To be more specific, in Helsinki. You may know that the mother tongue of Finland is not precisely an easy language, and yes, it is Finnish. I have tried to learn this language multiple times but can barely understand a few words.
The reason why I'm in Finland is mysterious, actually is not. I came because of my boyfriend who knew about marketing his own country. Yes, my boyfriend is from Finland. Previously I lived in France, where we met, but today we are focusing on freelancing, not romantic stories.
I decided to open my business after three years of living in Finland. Previously I used to work in the kitchen. In Finland, it is easy to find a job in the kitchen since there isn't any required language. I worked in the kitchen most of the time I was studying at University.
During my last year of University, I wondered if I ever wanted to work in Finland on the career I was studying at the time (Tourism and Event Management). I still needed to learn Finnish, which could take me a while. Therefore I looked for alternatives since I didn't want to leave Finland. This was when I came up with the word "light entrepreneur" at the time. I had like 2% of my knowledge of working independently in Finland due to my internship. This was when I decided to jump into the water and try.